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​What does strep throat look like?


It is important for a parent to know what does strep throat look like so that he can figure out how to cure their child. You do not have to worry if you have the strep bacteria because it is common for both children and adults to experience this disease at least twice a year. If you know how this condition looks like then you can see if you need to go to the doctor or not. Here we are going to give some information about the causes and signs of strep throat.


  • Causes of strep throat

Is very easy to confuse strep throat with sore throat because at the beginning they both show off the same signs. The major difference between them is that sore throat is caused by a virus and the strep throat is caused by a bacteria. When you have sore throat you experience high fever and very painful sore throat. Aside from this you can also start to cough because your throat is irritated. When you have strep throat you need to take antibiotics because you are infected with bacteria which can do great damage to your body if left untreated. The major symptoms you experience are: high fever and painful canker sores on the throat, cheeks, gums or lips.


  • Strep throat and children


Many parents ask themselves is their child has strep throat or if it’s just a virus because to be honest it is very hard to tell if you are not a doctor. To help you we are going to tell you the signs of strep throat:

• When you have strep throat you immediately start to experience fever. If your child experiences fever of over 101 for more than three days then that means that he has strep throat.

• Look into your kid’s mouth and look for red throat with bright red spots on the back of the palate and white pus on the tonsils. If you notice everything we mentioned then he has strep throat and you need to start a treatment with antibiotics.


Now that you know what does strep throat look like you will have the possibility to catch this condition early and not have to experience all its painful symptoms. Always go to the doctor if you think that you have this condition because to treat it you will need some antibiotics which you can only get with a prescription.

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